log_output logs output of a function into log entry body and uses deparsed function call as the event name.

log_output(..., type = "OUTPUT", status = "FIRED", params = NULL)



A function call that is evaluated, coerced into character string, collapsed and pasted as multi-line text into log entry body. Deparsed function call is used as the event name in log entry header.


A character string. A type of the event. Default is "OUTPUT".


A character string. A status of the event. Default is "FIRED".


A list of additional named event-specific parameters. Default is NULL.

See also

Other logging events functions: log_event, log_message, log_started, log_test, log_value


if (interactive()) { set_logging() shiny::shinyApp( ui = shiny::fluidPage(log_init()), server = function(input, output) { set_logging_session() log_output(NROW(mtcars)) log_output(head(mtcars)) } ) }